Human Resources & Talent

Lifeguard Recertification: What You Need to Know

Lifeguard recertification

Lifeguards play an essential role in ensuring the safety of swimmers and individuals who enjoy aquatic activities. In order to maintain their certification, lifeguards are required to undergo recertification every two years. This process is designed to ensure that lifeguards remain up-to-date on the latest techniques and protocols to respond to emergencies.

Lifeguard recertification: Poolside scene with CPR dummy, rescue tube, and first aid kit. Instructors demonstrating techniques to attentive trainees

Recertification courses are offered by various organizations, including the American Lifeguard Association. These courses typically involve a review of lifeguarding skills, including water rescue, CPR, and first aid. Some courses may also include instruction on new techniques or protocols that have been developed since the lifeguard’s initial certification. Upon successful completion of the recertification course, the lifeguard will receive a renewed certification that is valid for another two years.

It is important for lifeguards to take recertification seriously, as it ensures that they are able to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency. By staying up-to-date on the latest techniques and protocols, lifeguards can help prevent accidents and save lives.

Lifeguard Recertification Process

Lifeguard recertification process: instructor demonstrating CPR techniques to a group of lifeguards at a poolside training facility

Lifeguard recertification is a process that allows lifeguards to renew their certification after the expiration of their previous certification. The process ensures that lifeguards maintain up-to-date skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for lifeguard recertification, the candidate must have held a valid lifeguard certification previously. The certification must not have expired more than 30 days before the recertification course. Candidates who fail to meet this criterion may have to take the full lifeguarding course again.

Required Documentation

Candidates must provide proof of previous certification to be eligible for recertification. The documentation may include a copy of the previous certification card, certificate, or other documents that indicate successful completion of the lifeguarding course.

Recertification Courses

There are two options for lifeguard recertification courses: instructor-led (classroom only) or blended learning (online + classroom). Instructor-led courses are conducted in a classroom setting, while blended learning courses allow candidates to complete part of the course online and the other part in a classroom.

The American Lifeguard Association offers a recertification course that is designed to refresh the candidate’s knowledge and skills. Upon successful completion, the candidate will renew their certification for another two years. The course covers topics such as water rescue skills, CPR, AED, and first aid.

Examination Components

The recertification course includes both written and practical examinations. The written exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of the course material, while the practical exam assesses the candidate’s ability to perform water rescue skills, CPR, AED, and first aid. Candidates must pass both exams to renew their certification.

In conclusion, lifeguard recertification is a process that ensures that lifeguards maintain up-to-date skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively. Candidates must meet eligibility criteria, provide required documentation, complete a recertification course, and pass both written and practical exams to renew their certification.

Maintaining Certification

Ongoing Training Requirements

To maintain their certification, lifeguards are required to participate in ongoing training. This training helps them stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and procedures, ensuring that they can respond to emergencies effectively. The American Red Cross recommends that lifeguards participate in ongoing training at least once a month. This training can be completed through a variety of methods, including online courses, in-person training sessions, and on-the-job training.

Certification Validity Period

Lifeguard certification is valid for two years from the date of issuance. After this period, lifeguards must complete a recertification course to renew their certification. The recertification course covers the same topics as the initial certification course, but in less time. The recertification course is designed to refresh the lifeguard’s knowledge and skills, and to ensure that they are still able to perform their duties effectively.

Renewal Procedures

To renew their certification, lifeguards must complete a recertification course. The recertification course can be completed through a variety of methods, including online courses, in-person training sessions, and blended learning courses (a combination of online and in-person training). Upon successful completion of the recertification course, the lifeguard will receive a new certification that is valid for another two years.

It is important for lifeguards to renew their certification on time, as there is a grace period of 30 days after the certification expiration date. If a lifeguard fails to renew their certification within this grace period, they will need to retake the entire certification course. It is recommended that lifeguards renew their certification well before the expiration date to avoid any lapses in certification.

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